Historical Journeys: Reliving the Past in the World’s Ancient Cities

Published Tuesday, May 9, 2023     By Mark Lasso


Cusco, Peru

Cusco, once the heart of the Inca Empire, is a blend of indigenous and colonial architecture. The city’s historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with Baroque churches built atop Incan foundations. Nearby, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu offer breathtaking archaeological sites set against the backdrop of the Andes.


Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul, where East meets West, is a city of minarets and palaces. The Hagia Sophia, with its massive dome, has served as a cathedral, mosque, and now a museum. The Topkapi Palace, once the sultans’ residence, houses treasures, including the Prophet Muhammad’s cloak and sword.


Petra, Jordan

Petra, the Rose City, is an archaeological wonder. Carved into pink sandstone cliffs, this ancient Nabatean city is known for its intricate facades, tombs, and temples. The Siq, a narrow canyon, leads to Al-Khazneh, the famed Treasury.


Mexico City, Mexico

The Aztec city of Tenochtitlán once stood where modern Mexico City is today. The Templo Mayor, an ancient Aztec temple, lies at the heart of the city. The Palacio Nacional, adorned with Diego Rivera murals, tells the story of Mexico, from ancient civilizations to the Spanish conquest.


Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, with its vast plains dotted with pagodas, is a testament to the religious devotion of the Pagan Kingdom. Over 2,000 temples, stupas, and monasteries remain, offering a glimpse into medieval Burma. Climb a pagoda at sunrise or sunset for panoramic views of this ancient landscape.


Traveling solo through these ancient cities is akin to walking through the pages of a history book. Each city, with its ruins, relics, and stories, offers a unique journey into the past. While discovering the historical and cultural wonders of each city, travelers will also be rewarded with a deeper understanding of the world’s diverse heritage. From Greece to Myanmar, ancient cities offer an immersive journey through time.

