Eco-Tourism: Exploring the World’s Most Sustainable Destinations

Published Friday, February 3, 2023     By Mark Lasso

costa rica cloud forest

In an age where sustainability is more than just a buzzword, eco-tourism has emerged as a powerful movement. It’s about immersing oneself in nature, respecting indigenous cultures, and leaving a minimal footprint. For those eager to venture beyond the well-trodden paths and delve into destinations that prioritize the environment and local communities, here’s a curated list of the world’s most sustainable spots.

Costa Rica’s Cloud Forests

Often hailed as the poster child for eco-tourism, Costa Rica’s Monteverde and Santa Elena cloud forests are biodiversity hotspots. Here, travelers can walk along hanging bridges, spotting resplendent quetzals and listening to the symphony of tree frogs. The country’s commitment to renewable energy and conservation is commendable.


Bhutan’s Himalayan Retreats

Bhutan, the kingdom where Gross National Happiness trumps GDP, has a unique approach to tourism. With its carbon-negative status, the country emphasizes low-impact travel. Treks to monasteries like Paro Taktsang and visits to traditional farmhouses offer insights into a culture deeply rooted in Buddhism and nature.

Norway’s Lofoten Islands

Beyond the Northern Lights, Norway’s Lofoten Islands are a haven for sustainable fishing and wildlife watching. The dramatic landscapes, dotted with red fishermen’s cabins, offer opportunities for sea kayaking and spotting orcas. The islands’ commitment to preserving their pristine environment is evident in their eco-friendly accommodations and tours.


Botswana’s Okavango Delta

A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Okavango Delta is a maze of lagoons and channels. Here, eco-lodges offer safaris with a difference, emphasizing conservation and community involvement. Spotting elephants, lions, and rare birds from a mokoro (traditional canoe) is an experience like no other.


New Zealand’s Conservation Efforts

From its majestic fjords to geothermal wonders, New Zealand is a nature lover’s dream. The country’s Department of Conservation maintains numerous eco-friendly huts and tracks, allowing travelers to explore the wilderness responsibly. Initiatives like predator-free islands ensure the survival of native species like the kiwi.


Portugal’s Azores Archipelago

Situated in the middle of the Atlantic, the Azores are a paradise for whale watching and geotourism. The islands, with their volcanic craters and hot springs, prioritize sustainable agriculture and marine conservation. Local cooperatives offer tours that support the community and protect the environment.

